A social run is simply a run, walk or jog with a mix of friends and strangers that takes place at a pub or brewery. At OYL! our social runs are 3’ish miles and generally we have a speedy runner in front, a mid pack runner, in the middle of course, and our world famous butt pincher at the end. We also set out mile markers, water and hand you turn by turn directions of the route.
Unlike a traditional race, roads are not closed, there are no police officers, no course monitors, no timing chips and no pressure. They also don’t have a high price tag to participate. OYL! social runs range from free to $15 and each one includes at least a beer at the finish and are a lot of fun.
But don’t just take our word for it:

JONATHAN BOWER on Form Follows Fitness 5K Social Runs presented by L.A. Fuess: It’s a pretty unique happy hour setting and allows us to get to know people outside of the office environment. You can learn more from talking to someone while running for 30 minutes than you can from spending a whole day with them in the office.

JONAH SENDELBACH on Pub Run Social Runs: It is a toss-up between going to a new pub each month to run another route and enjoy frosty beverages and the loyalty program, I made it to 12 of them this year and am getting a free pair of asics shoes!

KELLY O’FARRELL on the Rahr Oktoberfest Social Runs: Social runs are a great time to make friends and socialize month! We didn't know anyone in Texas and 3 years later we have a great group of friends!

JIMMY BAGGS on the Santo de Mayo Social Runs: Beer. The End. I get to meet new people, I get in a great run through Houston, o and I get GREAT beer at the end! When can I go again...?