Things are heating up in Texas and longer distance races are approaching the rear view mirror as the mercury is on the rise. But don’t let that stop you from training!
Here’s a thirst quenching opportunity to keep running, racing and combine a bit of travel with a hops-happy destination; with a spicy themed 5K that will have you doing the Mexican hat dance at the post race fiesta, hosted by Saint Arnold Brewing & Whole Foods.

So just head on down I-45 and in a few hours you land. All that’s needed is an overnight bag, sombrero, maracas and your ticket to the start line.
Correr por la cerveza! (Run for the beer for you gringos.) At the finish line be sure to grab bragging rights with the commemorative custom branded finisher pint glass then saunter over to the event area for live music, three Saint Arnold brews and juicy treats served up by our sponsors including Whole Foods and Texas Tamale Company.
Want more deets or to grab your spot quickly (the race sold out in 2015!) check it out at